Central Florida Regional Planning Councils


Site / Project Name

Catalyst Site for the East Lake Parker/West North Combee Areawide Plan

Brownfield Site Address

2150 and 2190 East US Highway 92, Lakeland, Florida

Site Owner

John A. Causey Revocable Trust and Leon Sikes, Jr.

Clear Title


Owner Contaminator


Former Use

Golf course, gas station, auto sales and repair.

Land Use

Current uses: Mobile home sales, pastureland, liquor store and lounge
To the west is Lake Parker and the Larsen Power Plant. To the south is US 92 and the recently completed $20 million expansion of the JBT Corporation. The east is single family residential and commercial.


The 57 acre site has direct frontage on US 92 and on East Lake Parker Drive. A small portion of the property also has frontage on a residential street, Fairway Avenue. The railroad runs to the south of the property, on the south side of US 92.

Assessment Level

Phase 2


Arsenic, lead

Cleanup Program






A portion of the site (less than 10 acres) has been identified for redevelopment for a fast food restaurant. The name of the developer cannot be disclosed at this time.

Future Use

Mixed Use

Financing Tools: Federal Programs

Financing Tools: State Programs


Financing Tools: Funds Committed

EPA assessment grant funds have been committed to the site to date.


Financing; Attracting Developer

Technical Assistance

New Markets Tax Credits; Not sure
Disclaimer: This publication was developed under Assistance Agreement No. TR-83576801-0 awarded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It has not been formally reviewed by EPA. The views expressed in this document are solely those of Council of Development Finance Agencies and EPA does not endorse any products or commercial services mentioned in this publication.